
Timely Presentation Ideas 

Elementary Schools

Halloween (October 31st), Monster Nights (Read the story, talk about characterization, then have the kids make their own monsters.)

NaNoWriMo month (November), NaNoWriMo Prep (Talk about the young writer’s version at and share tips for getting started, staying true, and finishing the project)

Tell A Fairy Tell Day (Feb. 26th), Retellings (Read two stories - The Ugly Duckling and Hidden Beauty, talk about motivations/understanding others, and help them change their own favorite stories.)

National Reading Month (March), Reading, the gateway to ideas. (Read some books/excerpts, talk about where ideas come from, and have them start their own idea list.)

National Poetry Month (April), Poetry! (Read some poems from Poetical Alphabet, talk about some different styles of poetry, and help them craft their own.)

Mental Health Awareness Month (May), Other Paths.  (Talk about the inspiration behind my book, Writing and ADHD, and help kids know that if they struggle with something others can’t see, there ARE solutions – in kid friendly terms of course.)

Middle and High Schools

National Chemistry Week (October 20-26, 2019), Integrated Lessons (Poetical Reactions = Chemistry + English + Social Studies, how one field of study helps you understand another.)

Halloween (October 31st), Flash Fiction  (Read some shorts from The Giving Zombie, and talk about flash fiction.)

NaNoWriMo month (November), NaNoWriMo Prep (Talk about the young writer’s version at and share tips for getting started, staying true, and finishing the project)

Tell A Fairy Tell Day (Feb. 26th), Retellings (Read excerpts from “Little Red” talk about motivations/understanding others, and help them change their own favorite stories.)

National Reading Month (March), Reading, the gateway to ideas. (Talk about where ideas come from and have them start their own idea list.)

National Poetry Month (April), Poetry! (Read some poems from Poetical Reactions, talk about some different styles of poetry, and help them craft their own.)

Mental Health Awareness Month (May), Other Paths.  (Talk about the inspiration behind my book, Writing and ADHD, and help kids know that if they struggle with something others can’t see, there ARE solutions.)

Anytime  Presentation Ideas

Plotters vs Pantsers, two routes to success.

Scripts vs Novels, differences and similarities between the two forms.

Word! That’s EXCELlent, are you taking advantage of all word and excel has to offer the writer?

How to Make an E-book, why you should care and how to do it.

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